What is coding? the definition of computer programming.

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Okay, okay,

new rookie programmer hat on! Buckle up, fellow adventurer, because we're about to take a deep dive into the magical world of coding. I'm Anshpreet, and trust me, I wasn't born with keyboard glue on my fingers. Just like you, I stumbled into this realm feeling equal parts intimidated and excited.

Think of coding as talking to your computer – not in gibberish, mind you, but in its own special language. We have English, Spanish, French, but computers have Python, JavaScript, Java, and a whole bunch more! Each language has its own quirks and rules, but they all let us tell these powerful machines what we want them to do.

Remember that time you downloaded an app that lets you order pizza with the tap of a button? Yeah, that's code in action! Or that website showcasing adorable cat videos? Code built that too! Coding is the invisible backbone of the digital world, weaving its magic behind every click, scroll, and swipe.

So, why learn this mystical language? Well, besides being able to brag about making your computer dance to your tune, coding is like a Swiss army knife for your brain. It sharpens your logic, boosts your problem-solving skills, and unlocks a superpower called "thinking in algorithms" – basically, breaking down any task into bite-sized instructions.

Plus, imagine the possibilities! Want to build a website that shares your passion for underwater basket weaving? Code it! Craving an app that plays cat videos on a loop (because, duh)? Code it! The only limit is your imagination (and maybe the laws of physics, but let's not get bogged down in details).

But hold on, rookie – the journey's not all rainbows and unicorns. There will be bugs (both the digital kind and the "why-is-my-code-not-working?" kind), moments of frustration that make you want to throw your laptop out the window, and enough coffee to fuel a small rocket. But trust me, the first time your code actually works, the feeling is pure, unadulterated magic.

So, how do you get started? Grab your laptop, put on your comfiest coding PJs (yes, coding PJs are a thing!), and dive into the ocean of online tutorials and beginner-friendly platforms. There are resources galore, each one holding your hand as you take your first wobbly steps in the world of algorithms and variables.We will soon launch our own coding course , So keep connected with us.

Don't worry if it feels like hieroglyphics at first. We all start somewhere, and I promise the "Aha!" moment when you make your first program run is like fireworks exploding in your brain. Remember, coding is a marathon, not a sprint. You'll stumble, you'll trip, but with each line of code, you'll get stronger, faster, and more confident.

So, take a deep breath, fellow rookie, and join the ranks of the digital wizards. We're a friendly bunch, always eager to share tips, troubleshoot your code, and maybe even have a virtual coffee break or two (with real cake, this time). The future is digital, and the code is in your hands. Let's build something amazing, together.

Onward, fearless coder!

P.S. Need a coding buddy? Hit me up! I'm always down to geek out about syntax and celebrate your coding victories. And hey, maybe I can finally figure out how to make that cat video app


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  1. from where can We start coding , any free started coding pack??

    1. You can search for free course online , but we are also soon going to upload a coding course on this website.

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